13 February 2009

Beyond blindness

José Saramago wept on hearing the words of recently liberated Sigifredo López:
Nunca he podido alardear de firmeza emocional. Lloro con facilidad, y no por culpa de la edad. Pero esta vez me vi obligado a romper en sollozos cuando Sigifredo, para expresar su infinita gratitud a Piedad Córdoba, la comparó con la mujer del médico de Ensayo sobre la ceguera. Pónganse en mi lugar, miles de kilómetros me separaban de aquellas imágenes y de aquellas palabras y el pobre de mí, deshecho en lágrimas, no tuvo otro remedio que refugiarse en el hombro de Pilar y dejarlas correr. Toda mi existencia de hombre y de escritor queda justificada por ese momento. Gracias, Sigifredo.
I may be skeptical of certain things, but watching the video clip Saramago posted moved me to tears as well. There is hope. We will never give up in this struggle for peace.

(via El Tiempo, with thanks to A.)

Saint-Exupéry and tv

A friend recommended J. Wood's posts at Powell's, and now I love reading what he has to say after watching Lost. But he outdid himself with this wonderful literary analysis of The Little Prince (in reference to the episode of the same name):
A strange thing then occurs in the sixth chapter; the narrative voice changes to second-person. The audience was in the third-person objective position, and is all the sudden being addressed as if the audience were displaced into the subject of the story. The switch from objective to subjective space is interesting, and it changes back to third-person objective in the seventh chapter. This is just one of the elements the story shares with Lost; like the island characters' experience of cut-up time mirroring the audience experience of narrative time, or how the characters' search for pieces of the overall puzzle is carried over beyond the show proper into the broader experience of the audience; this short chapter mirrors that unstable position where the audience falls into the fiction. Like the fox says in The Little Prince, words are the source of misunderstandings.
I'm a sucker for this sort of thing and would really love for him to delve into more of Joyce's Ulysses (as he begins to discuss in this same post). Since next week's episode "316" is partially inspired by what's found on that page in the Vintage edition of Ulysses, he just might.