31 May 2005

Callooh! Callay!

I received a book in the mail! And a very interesting one at that...

A Higher Form of Cannibalism?: Adventures in the Art and Politics of Biography by Carl Rollyson

According to Amazon's description, "This book explores the nexus between scholarship and biography, and demonstrates how the similarities of method between Leon Edel and Kitty Kelly outweigh the differences. Viewed through the prism of biography, the scholarly and the popular may not be as clearly separated as people suppose."

Flipping through it, I get the sense that Rollyson must be quite the character (a shameless rascal?). And a quick glance at the index shows me that Lucasta Miller, Ian Hamilton, and Janet Malcom are discussed. I forsee a quick read...

(Heaps of thanks, TK!!)

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