27 April 2006

The best news I've heard all month

Lifted entirely from the marvelous ReadySteadyBook:
Faber and Faber have announced the projected publication of a seven-volume edition of The Complete Prose of T.S. Eliot, under the General Editorship of Ronald Schuchard and an advisory board comprising Warwick Gould, Archibald Henderson, Sir Frank Kermode, Edward Mendelson and Christopher Ricks.
The involvement of Schuchard, Kermode, and Ricks alone would tell me this is a definitive project--the "dream team" of Eliot scholars coming together to finally have it all in one place... Wow. I'm incredibly excited about this.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so excited for you!

Jana Swartwood said...

Way awesome! I'm excited for you! I'm excited for me! I'm just excited.

I'm also excited because I got a free book today. I love free books! Hope all is well.