16 April 2007


The horrified numbness that shrouded me all day finally cracked when I sat quietly and began experiencing the loveliness that's at the tip of my fingers every day (praying, praying for the families, for lives shattered by incomprehensible tragedy). Reading intelligent discussion on my (not so) secret dream... Watching the clip Jeff shared of his beautiful daughter... Feeling like I'm sitting at Uncle Kurt's feet, just listening...

Anything else?


Well—I just discovered a prayer for writers. I'd heard of prayers for sailors and kings and soldiers and so on—but never of a prayer for writers. Could I put that in here?




It was written by Samuel Johnson on April 3, 1753, the day on which he signed a contract that required him to write the first complete dictionary of the English language. He was praying for himself. Perhaps April third should be celebrated as Writers' Day. Anyway, this is the prayer: “O God, who hast hitherto supported me, enable me to proceed in this labor, and in the whole task of my present state; that when I shall render up, at the last day, an account of the talent committed to me, I may receive pardon, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.”


That seems to be a wish to carry his talent as far and as fast as he can.


Yes. He was a notorious hack.

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