16 January 2008

Notes to self


Brook said...

"go to Brook's blog and decide if I want to let him tag me like that or just roll my eyes and get back to being a South American Diva..."
(please ignore if you've already done this...)

Brook said...

oh, nevermind. after much digging, I see you've already done this one...
(I thought you probably had)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're still around.

amcorrea said...

Brook: Yes, but you can tag me for anything else that comes along. It was fun reading yours (funny how no one seems to add A Practical Guide to Shipbuilding for that desert island question!).

bdr: I really appreciate that--thanks. Yes, with moving and traveling for the holidays and tons of family, I was lucky to get some books read, let alone blog. It's *very* nice to be back.