02 September 2009


It was with much delight that I read Katherine Silver's translation of an excerpt from Antonio Ungar's most recent novel, Las orejas del lobo (Ears of the Wolf) in the new issue of Words Without Borders.

Last fall I translated the first two pages from his 2004 novel Zanahorias voladoras as an exercise for a tutorial. The original is a gorgeous piece of writing, ethereal and bewitching, which flowed very well in English. I should've known that it was only a matter of time before someone else got to his work first...

But many congratulations are in order to Katherine Silver for winning this year's national award for literary translation from Colombia's Ministry of Culture. Until today, I didn't even know that this award existed! Now I've got a bright, shiny new goal to strive for. And I'm very happy that Ungar's work is finally being made available in English.

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